Anton Zinchuk

of counsel

Anton’s specialization is mergers and takeovers, contracts, intellectual property, and deals involving state and municipal assets. For 7 years and counting, Anton has been helping foreign companies set up operations in Ukraine, as well as supporting the projects of Ukrainian IT companies on building their business structure in Ukraine and abroad.

Anton also has an experience in attracting foreign exchange traded funds for Ukrainian companies. His major projects include supporting the first placements of Ukrainian issuers at the alternative platform NewConnect of the Warsaw Stock Exchange (AGROLIGA Group PLC in 2011, CEREAL Planet PLC in 2013).

Anton is among TOP 15 leading Ukrainian lawyers in IT according to Ukrainian Law Firms 2018. In his spare time Anton gives lectures on law for the members of the MBA program of the Kharkiv National Economic University and Lumière University Lyon 2, and also engages in research and legislative activities.



May 24, 2018
Anton Zinchuk
Anton Zinchuk
How can minority shareholders influence the appointment of CEOs and other top executives

Minority shareholders have little influence on the general meeting and no control over managerial decisions. The new law on LLCs will increase the influence of minority shareholders in the appointment and dismissal of CEOs


May 10, 2018
Anton Zinchuk
Anton Zinchuk
Disagreements between partners with 50/50 distribution of shares

Starting from February this year, LLC shareholders can sign corporate contracts between themselves in Ukraine. This will significantly expand the opportunities for doing business in Ukraine and save a lot of companies.

March 27, 2018
Anton Zinchuk
Anton Zinchuk
The new law about LLC will will defend business and its lenders

The president was quick to sign the Law on Companies with Additional and Limited Liability No. 4666 - the so-called "LLC law". This is how most companies operate in Ukraine.