Карантин карантином, а корисна інформація — за розкладом. Продовжуємо традиційну рубрику “Кейси ILF”, у якій наші партнери розповідають про успішні проєкти у своїй практиці.
Partnership – is the profitable forms of financial and management cooperation. However, there is a risk to be involved in ineffective business decisions taking by the partners.
On October 3, the Parliament adopted the Law On Concession, which, among other things, is supposed to improve legal regulation of concession activities and bring legislation on concession in line with that on public-private partnership (PPP).
The elections, new President, Parliament and government, possible changes in the Health Ministry’s leadership – all these political perturbations make a lot of secondary healthcare administrators ask themselves whether autonomization is worth it.
“Employees are inefficient”, “they misunderstand their tasks”, “we’re not getting desired results” - this is heard increasingly often from CEO’s and other executives. Management, as usual, blames the staff, calling them low-skilled, infantile, passive whet it comes to decision-making as well as other unflattering epithets.
Changes in healthcare are probably the most successful of the announced reforms in Ukraine yet. Its authors from the very beginning had clear goals and a strategy for achieving them as well as professional advocacy of the reform by lawyers among doctors as well society as a whole.